Meet One of Our Keynote Speakers: Teri Hofford

What is the hardest part about what you do?

Helping people understand that being creative IS a full-time job ;) AND not having a nice clean label that sums up all the things I do :P

What is the all-time dream part of your job? The thing you still pinch yourself that you get to do? And, tell the people how often you actually get to do it.

My all-time dream parts continually change as I do, but I think the thing that I love the most is that I AM doing the thing I was always told I couldn't do as a profession: writing, photography, speaking, etc. I love that I get to be creative in a multitude of different ways to achieve the outcome of encouraging curiosity and exploration!

If you could tell your Day 1, starting a biz self one thing what would it be?

Don't get attached to your identity - what you DO is not who you ARE AND do your cost of doing business while also thinking about your exit strategy so you build a business.

Someone wants to get into photography & become an Educator. What advice - from an expert - would have saved you a lot of time, sweat, and tears?

Do your cost of doing business and think about your exit strategy from day 1. Also invest in your self-development as much as your business development - therapy, coaching, conferences, reading, podcasts, etc.

Fun fact about you?

I have a black belt in the martial art of Kuk Sul Won and I won the gold medal for the world series in South Korea.

Fav book? Fav show? Your All-time go-to movie while working?

The Alchemist changed my life, but I love so many books. I love to watch tv series from the early 2000s (currently bingeing The OC).

Any closing thoughts for the Camp Rover Community?

I want creative entrepreneurs to know that we can make money doing the things that we love, work CAN be easy and you don't have to feel guilty for it, and don't attach your HUMAN value to your economic value.

You can find more of Teri and all her offerings (including her podcast!) over on her site and Instagram.

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Meet Janelle - of Digital Darling & - our Advisory Board!


Meet Our Panelists: Kelly of Lily Stone Garden