Get Conference Ready - A Guide to getting the most out of the day

Going to a conference can be a lot of effort, even one like Camp Rover Conference.

There are many things you can do to get conference ready to get the most out of the day, enjoy it, not be totally spent afterward, and take what you learn, who you connect with, and take action after the day.

Here’s our conference-ready guide to get you ready for all things Camp Rover Conference 2024.

Know the schedule

It’s great to know the flow of the day. To know when you’ll have breaks, where you can sit, what time is a good time for you to get there, get settled in, and how that fits into your life.

If the conference has break-out sessions (is in different rooms throughout the space) make sure you know where to go and when. Take time to look through the site and get to know what’s happening. It will take a lot of stress off on the day and give you more mental space to engage with meeting new people and soaking in the education.

Camp Rover Conference 2024 is all in one room, all on ground level, so you don’t need to worry too much this year :)

Pick out an outfit - ahead of time

That doesn’t mean the morning of. I’m talking even a week or a few days out. Make sure you take your time, and have a little fun (have a glass of wine, kombucha - whatever your thing is - put some hype music on and put something fun together).

It’s amazing how waiting till the morning of can really shake your confidence in something as simple as what you’re wearing.

For me - Amanda - I always like to pick something that can be a conversation starter too (I have A LOT of vintage clothes and love fashion-play, and let’s be real, who doesn’t like compliments?! Cause when I’m wearing something that rocks people talk to me about it)

Pick the right conference outfit:

Keep in mind what you know you’re like on long days out of the house. Will you want a change of shoes? Will you want to have a sweater in case you get cold? If there are photo ops do you want to get some new headshots or fun poses? Wear an outfit you want to be captured in but gives you the balance of funk and comfort.

Pack snacks

Most conferences - like Camp Rover - will have a meal, snacks, and options during breaks but that doesn’t mean that you’ll like them, or they’ll suit all your needs and the exact time you need them.

There’s no need to go overboard but bring a few options like a protein bar, juice, your morning coffee (my thermos is covered in stickers so it’s also a conversation starter).

Pack a “conference bag”

I have a Go-Bag. I’m, as you guessed it, on the go a lot (and I love to give everything cute names) so I have a bag that has all the things in it I feel I could need for a 12-hour stretch. This includes:

  • Pen

  • Wallet

  • Blue light reduction glasses

  • Sunglasses

  • Meds

  • Vitamins

  • Business cards

  • A pad of paper

  • Wet ones

  • Pain killers

  • Travel makeup

  • Makeup remover pads (I really like these Neutrogena ones)

  • Hand lotion

  • Lip chap

  • Bandaids

  • Coupons and gift cards (cuz I love them, and I always end up at the thrift store)

  • Scissors

  • Fidget toy

  • Hand sanitizer

  • Pain oil roller (think neck pain from sitting so long. I like a Japanese Mint Oil roller, it’s so nice and can be a great reset for a long day)

Practice some networking skills or “elevator pitch”

Ok, yes, this sounds more biz but you’ll be happy you gave yourself a little time to prep. I go to networking events or anywhere where I’m going to meet new people with a few go-tos.

When approaching a table or new group of people:

“Hi, I’m Amanda! Can I join you?” - They’re not going to say no. So then, be ready with something else:

“Fun, thanks. Oh, love your shirt”

“I’m nervous to be here - events are hard right?”

“Gosh, I wish I could have brought my dog, want to see a photo”

You might think I’m kidding but when you just lay it out there, make it simple, or own an insecurity you’ll open things up so much faster and give other people things to talk about and work with too.

After that, just ask questions. If you don’t want to be the one to talk, just be ready with some conversation starters or guiding questions:

“Is this your first big conference like this?”

“What brought you to Camp Rover?”

“Do you have a dog? And if so can I see a photo?”

“I’d love to hear what you do! I’m a ____ “

Keep it simple, don’t go in with all the “networking questions” and hit people hard to get it out of the way. Just remember it’s probably really intimidating for them too.

Get Connected on Social.

It’s important to sign up for conference newsletters - that’s where all the goodies are - but follow them on social too. You’ll get to know closely who will be there, and what to expect, and you can dig into who will be attending as well and can make connections ahead of time.

Be Open-Minded

You might have ideas on what you want to get out of a conference, what you’ll learn, or how it will “solve your problems”. Be open-minded. You don’t know what you don’t know. You don’t know exactly what’s going to be said, who you’re going to meet, and what might spark an idea in you or challenge you.

Also, don’t assume you know it all. There might be topics that you feel like you’ve heard about, and had lessons on many times, but what if there’s something else in there you could learn? Go in with an open mind. I love the quote “If you can’t walk a mile in their shoes try taking a couple of steps”.

Come in open-minded because you never know what will happen when you do.

Want to join us for Camp Rover Conference?

Yay - we’d love to have you. Come on over and get your ticket here.


Meet One of Our Co-hosts: Feather Talia


Meet Our Panelists: Sabrina Friesen of Winnipeg Connect